Markdown quick reference

Both the Octopus blog and the Octopus documentation are written in Markdown and rendered using markdig. Markdig supports GitHub Flavored Markdown as well as some extra syntax.


Markdown filenames are lowercase and end with .md or .mdx for pages with includes. Use hyphens to separate words:

Files and directories

Directories must have an index file:

YAML headers

The Markdown files in the blog and docs have a YAML header:

YAML header (blog)

title: Runbooks best practices <!-- post title -->
description: This post provides a step by step template you can use to generate high quality runbooks in Octopus
author: <!-- use your email address -->
visibility: public <!-- options are public or private -->
published: 2020-03-09 <!-- The date the post will be published  -->
metaImage: runbooks-best-practices.png
bannerImage: runbooks-best-practices.png
tags: <!-- see blog/tags.txt for a comprehensive list of tags -->
 - Product
 - Runbooks

YAML header (docs)

layout: src/layouts/Default.astro
pubDate: 2023-01-01 <!-- The date first published, don't update this -->
modDate: 2023-01-01 <!-- Change this date to singal an update to search engines -->
title: Getting started
subtitle: An overview of Octopus Deploy concepts <!-- Optional: Shown below the title -->
navTitle: Overview <!-- Optional: A shorter title for use in the navigation -->
navSection: Getting started <!-- Optional: For pages with children, the section name -->
description: <!-- Used for list pages, meta tags, and open graph -->
navOrder: 5


Use ## to create h2 headers and ### to create h3 headers.

The first header you include on a page must be a h2 header. The h1 title of the page comes from the title in the YAML block.

Formatting text

Bold text with ** on both sides of the text to create **bold text**: bold text.

Italicize text with * on both sides of text to create *emphasized text*: emphasized text.


Image filenames must be all lowercase.

Add images to an images/ directory in the same directory as the file that references the image.

Images are added to documents with the following syntax:


Images should include alt text for accessibility:

![A brief description of the image](images/image-name.png)

Control the size of the image in pixels by adding: width=500:

![A brief description of the image](images/image-name.png "width=500")

Add a caption below the image by appending the caption text:

A brief description of the imageThis is a caption


Bullet lists are written with a hyphen at the beginning of the line:

- Item 1
- Item 2

Which is rendered as:

Numbered lists are written with a number at the beginning of the line. The numbers do not need to increment as this will happen automatically:

1. Item 1
1. Item 2

Which is rendered as:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2

You can nest lists by adding three spaces before the nested list items.

1. Item 1
   1. Item 1.1
   1. Item 1.2
1. Item 2

Which is rendered as:

  1. Item 1
    1. Item 1.1
    2. Item 1.2
  2. Item 2

If you include an interruption between list items, you need to resume the list with the number the list should restart from:

1. Item 1
1. Item 2

A break in the list.

3. Item 3
3. Item 4

Which is rendered as:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. A break in the list.
  4. Item 3
  5. Item 4


Tables are written in the following following way:

|  Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 | Header 4 |
| Row 1 Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 | Cell 4 | Cell 4 |
| Row 2 Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 | Cell 4 | Cell 4 |

There are generators online you can use to make this process a bit easier, for instance, Table generator.

Links are written with the following syntax:

[Link text](


To link to other pages within the documentation, use the following syntax (include the full filename and extension):

For more information, see the [installation page](/docs/installation/ and review the [installation requirements](/docs/installation/

This will link to and


To link to other posts within the blog, use the following syntax (include the full filename and extension):

This is part one in a series of posts, read [part two](blog/2020-03/

This links to

Note, blog posts are organized in the repo into year-month folders, and you need to include this in your link.

To link to a specific section within a document, add the section heading as an anchor and replace the spaces with hyphens:

Octopus can be installed on these versions of [Windows Server](docs/installation/

This will link to

If you’d like to control the anchor text (to ensure it doesn’t change even if the title does), use the following syntax:

## Windows Server {#windows-server}

Special characters will break the anchor text, so don’t include special characters in the anchor.

When instructing users to navigate through multiple options in the UI, use the following syntax:

{{ infrastructure,Deployment Targets }}

Which will be rendered:

Infrastructure ➜ Deployment Targets

Code samples

Use GitHub-style fenced code blocks. For example:

Write-Host "Hello"

If your example uses multiple languages or files, you can combine them together to add tab headings:

​```ps PowerShell
Write-Host "Hello"
​```cs C#

Snippets are highlighted by Highlight.js

language key
c# cs
xml xml
no format no-highlight
command line bash
powershell ps
json json
sql sql
f# fsharp
python python
text text

If no language is defined, highlightjs will guess the language, and it regularly gets it wrong.


To create a call-out that draws the reader’s attention, use the following syntax:

This release includes the following breaking changes...

This will be converted to the following HTML:

<div class="alert alert-warning">
<p>This release includes the following breaking changes...</p>

There are several keys, each of which map to a different colored alert:

Key Color
success green
hint blue
warning yellow
problem red

Call-outs are added through bootstrap alerts

Reuse text

To create reusable text that is automatically added to any document that references it, add the text to a new file and save the file with a key followed by For instance,, and save the file to the docs/shared-content/ or blog/shared-content/ directory respectively:

The latest version of Octopus Deploy is 2020.1

If the complete filename is, to include the text in other documents, use the following everywhere you want to include the text:

!include <latest-version>

When you use an include file in this way, you only need to update the text in one file and the updated text will be included anywhere it is referenced.

Referencing Docker images

Deprecated this is no longer available for docs.

When referencing docker images, use the syntax:

!docker-image <org/image:tag>

This will be replaced with the most recently published version of the image.

Example 1 - with tags

!docker-image <octopusdeploy/octo:alpine>

Will be replaced with:


Example 2 - without tags

!docker-image <octopusdeploy/octo>

Will be replaced with:


The Octopus Guides combine content to allow users to specify their entire CI/CD pipeline and access a guide for their specific pipeline. It is sometimes helpful to link to the guides with specific options pre-defined rather than the default options.

You create the links to specific guides by adding query parameters to the URL for the guide

If you’d like to pre-fill more than one option, add multiple queries parameters to the URL:


If you delete or rename a file in either the docs or blog repos, you must add a redirect for that file otherwise publishing will fail.

Blog redirects are added to blog/redirects.txt:

The redirects.txt file looks like this:

from-file-path -> to-file-path                 #DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE
blog/ -> blog/

In the above example, /blog/page1 is redirected to /blog/page2.

Add your redirect to the end of the file, after the redirect is added, the original file (page1) needs to be deleted from the repo.

Docs redirects

Please use the Redirect layout and set the new destination page. The entire contents of a redirct file is the following YAML frontmatter:

layout: src/layouts/Redirect.astro
title: Redirect
pubDate:  2023-01-01
navSearch: false
navSitemap: false
navMenu: false

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